Tag: Writing

A day at the beach

A day at the beach          one sunny day me and my family went to the beach then we set up our stuff then we went for a swim when i went in the deep i saw a something in the water floating i swam over the there then i saw a bottle there was a paper in it when we got home i open the bottle there was a map inside i went i followed the map direction i found a x i dug up the x then when i finish digging up the x i found a chest it was dark so i waited to reach my house then when i got home i went to open the chest when i did i saw gold coins and diamonds i quickly hid it then i waited till it was morning when it was morning i went to the beach i hid the chest in the sand i saw some poor people so i went back to the place where i hid the chest i dig up the sand so i could give it to the poor people then after all that i went to sleep i woke up to a window broken when i went downstairs i saw two robber in my house so i hid upstairs they went up stairs so i sneak downstairs in the basement i took out my phone and called the police the robber found me in the basement so i start to run to the basement window and when i went out of the house there was police there.

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